February 2014 Barkbox

So mom has been majorly slacking on the blogging part. Since I can’t really type well, I have no choice than to dictate all of these posts to her so that she can put them on my blog. Well, she’s been super busy for the past couple of weeks/months(?).

Anyways, we got a new Barkbox last week.


We absolutely loooooooooove the cheese snacks. They’re almost everything-free because they’re made out of only cheese. They smell and taste amazing! I mean mom even said she wanted to try one. Even though it’s a pretty small bag, there’s about 20 to 25 round crisps in there. We haven’t eaten them all yet (because mom only gives us like 2 a day).


Just Playing

Rose and I always fight over this bed. Mom just doesn’t get it. Whenever I’m trying to re-arrange the furniture, Rose ends up hopping into the bed and making my life harder. She thinks I’m playing games, but I’m just trying to see where the bed looks best!

Burrrrr! It’s Cold!

Since it’s been so cold in Chicago, we haven’t been able to go outside much. We just watched some football and hung out indoors.


Even though I paid attention to the explanations of the plays, I still don’t get it. I think how we play with balls makes more sense than human football.


Rose also took plenty of naps. She found her napping place under mommy’s desk, right next to the space heater.


Rose’s Spay Surgery

Rose went to the vet again last week. This time, it was because she had to get spayed. While she was under, she also got her baby teeth taken out because she had two rows of front teeth. She was like a little land shark. Instead of putting the cone of shame on her, mom put her in a shirt and wrapped a towel around her belly so that she won’t lick her stitches out. She’s been really good so far.
